Our Ministers
Blessings to all!
I am Co-Pastor Nora Pullings here at Unity Gospel Family Worship Center. It is an honor to be able to work by my husband’s side in the ministry of Jesus Christ. A very important goal in my life is to be a living example to all as I live for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am also determined to share the goodness of Jesus Christ by letting my light shine for Him. When I think of his goodness and what he’s done for me my soul cries out hallelujah! Since I met the Savior my whole life has changed. The joy, peace, and hope I now have is amazing. I want the world to know that he can change your life in ways you never can imagine! Come join us at Unity Gospel Family Worship Center as we teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and watch how he can and will make a difference in your life.
Greetings to All,
I am Senior Pastor Elijah M Pullings of Unity Gospel Family Worship Center (UGFWC) located in Ocala Florida. The Lord called me to his ministry at an early age in my life. I was very reluctant to answer, not knowing what to expect or how I could encourage people to follow me. After I received three visions from the Lord through three consecutive dreams of me preaching, I finally submitted to the call. The first thing the Lord had to help me understand was that it would not be me that his people would be following but instead, it was him. I would only be a vessel for him to use. I often remind the members at UGFWC that we are following Christ together. Our teaching of the Trinity (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) is paramount to our spiritual success. The Lord has blessed me with a powerful testimony, and I would love to have you come and share in on what the Lord is doing here at UGFWC.
Blessings everyone!
I am Evangelist Tosha Harris and I am a servant and vessel of the most high God. I spent a lot of years running from God’s call on my life until one day I chose to fully surrender all that I have to Him. From the moment I gave God my “Yes,” I began to see my entire life changed for the better. My joy is found in doing the will of my Father. Whether it is preaching, singing or playing music, I count it an honor and a privilege to be able to serve such an awesome God and His people. I’m very grateful for the support of my husband, Kevin, as I continue to embark on this journey that has been placed before me. I am also grateful for the support of my pastors who are also my parents as I see God continually answering prayers that they prayed over my life many years ago.
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